Wow! The mango is so sweet!

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At SRIGHT Preschool, developing the 5 physical senses of the Left Brain is one of the most loved lessons, always exciting and enthusiastically participated in by the children. Practicing the development of taste buds is an exercise that helps children feel the purest taste of fruits, vegetables, and foods that they eat daily. The more developed the sense of taste, the more types of food children will recognize, the more they will enjoy meals, and the more comprehensive their nutrition will develop.

Last week, our Baby class had a very special lesson with a very delicious guest – Mango! The children were free to explore the interesting things about mangoes: together they observed the bright yellow color of the peel, touched the rough smooth skin, and smelled the sweet aroma.

However, the most exciting thing was when the children got to taste the first piece of mango, parents! The whole class was excited, their faces lit up with excitement. Everyone’s eyes widened and were attracted by the sweet and fragrant taste of the ripe mango.

Let’s take a look at the cute moments of the Baby class children!

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