SRIGHT Preschool Teachers: The silent seed-sowers for life

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What better way to welcome November than with a post dedicated to honoring educators. The teaching profession is not merely about imparting knowledge, but also about sowing the seeds of values, shaping the character of the younger generation – a generation of SRIGHTers who develop holistically in Personality, Intelligence, and Physicality.

Green is also the color of the teachers at SRIGHT Preschool. With all their dedication and love, our teachers not only impart valuable knowledge to children but also nurture their souls, helping them develop holistically during the golden age of 0-6 years. They provide children with loving and warm early experiences, the best material for an environment that fosters children’s potential.

Let’s capture the warm, loving moments of the teachers at SRIGHT Preschool. Parents, please take a look!

Register for a school tour today to experience the unique values that SRIGHT Preschool offers


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📌 Address: M1 – 12 The Manhattan Glory, Vinhomes Grand Park, Thu Duc

📞 Hotline: 0866.017.784

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