SRIGHT’s Bilingual Early Childhood Education is one of the core projects within the SRIGHT International Education system. It pioneers the application of scientifically standard Early Childhood Brain Education globally for the golden age group of 0-6 years, aiming to provide a preschool environment with a truly distinctive and comprehensive student profile.

SRIGHT Preschool is the FIRST pioneering preschool to develop an EXCELLENT curriculum aligned with the Golden Stages of development for both hemispheres of the brain, Right and Left, with 10 subjects meticulously and specifically designed for each age group. SRIGHT Preschool establishes the outstanding educational management model QIPOSS, proud of the image of SRIGHTer students who excel and develop comprehensively in Virtue, Intelligence, and Physical Strength based on the philosophy of Education Done Right from the Start.

The SRIGHT Early Education Program is a proprietary, brain-science-based curriculum that applies the best practices of early education methods from around the world, starting from birth, to develop exceptionally well-rounded and advanced SRIGHTer children.

SRight is a pioneer in applying scientifically standardized Early Brain Education globally for the golden age of 0-6 years, aiming to provide a preschool environment with a truly distinctive and comprehensive student profile.